Tuesday, March 22, 2011

oh baby baby...

baby, you're so so cute and funny! haha!!!
and random!!!

I was using my laptop after talking to baby on the phone and we said good night already.
suddenly, 15 minutes later, baby called me. and he sounded so hyper.
guess what he told me?
He said he was watching channel 8's some food entertainment show.
and he saw this uncle frying 'orh luak', oyster omelette.
it's taiwan's top main dish which is so popular..
and he said he couldn't stop watching that show cause of the over-delicious
yummy foods. and after seeing the oyster omelette, he's got a craving for it.
so he told me his motive of calling me, finally.
his motive is to tell me that after his ORD, he wants to go Taiwan for holiday.
and just nice that timing is during my 21st birthday! woooo~ so happy!

really random, but it made both of us so excited and happy about it!
another 1 year and 4 months plus... his ORD is 2nd Aug, my bday is 6th Aug. :)
good timing baby!

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